Skin Care Basics
How lucky we are to have the largest organ in our body, reachable to us to look after and care for in a visiable way. The skin has the most amazing intelligence and protect us daily from the outside world and environment. We have a lot to thank our skins for. So first in skin care would be to realise this. As you are what you eat .. the very first place we see what we ate or drank is also on our face (our flower to the world) ..this is now if we were plants. Take enough time each day to study your skin. A 5 minute sand timer is a wonderful addition to have near your mirror and help you to take time to study your skin. Acknowledge what it is going through and what it needs. There are four steps in skin care CLEANSING & EXFOLIATION where we make sure our skin is prepared to receive the next product in line. HYDRATING & TONING where we deliver water rich product into the dermis MOISTURIZING & FEEDING where we nourish the epidermis of the skin and supply food to the structure of the skin. SKIN REPAIR is the products that is usually oil based to protect and repair the skin lipid layer and protect against very harsh environmental conditions, where an emulsified cream is not enough. The older our skin gets, the more it needs. So by age 30, we would need step 1, 2 and 3 and by age 50, we would need to add extra. All products perform best on a clean, warm skin. All products perform best if warmed up in the hands and combined with a skin massage we can learn to spend time on doing as we apply. This extra attention, time and warm application will ultimately save you money in product and will certainly show on your face. No product can supply skin metabolism and vigor as what you are able to create with a good diet and an oil rich skin massage. Even talking nicely with yourself in the mirror, giving yourself a break and being kind will benifit as much as any serum. Soon you will know what your skin need, as you are able to communicate with it daily. Thank you for using the products of The Little Indy Soap Shop. I am always adding information as I get feedbacks, so feel free to share. Lovely to have you looking at my store.